The River Teaching and Preaching
I have put my hope in your word. Psalm 119:114b
Teaching and Preaching 2020
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teaching or download relevant resources
teaching or download relevant resources
Date | Speaker | Subject |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Today's Message [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | A New Beginning [YouTube] |
Thursday | Mark Rich | Christmas Eve Message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Carol Service | Open-Air Carol Service [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | The Feast of Tabernacles [mp3] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Holy Spirit [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | What NOT to Wear to the Wedding [mp3] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Childlike Faith [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | The Letter to Laodicea [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Jesus Speaks [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | Matthew Ch12 [mp3] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Revival Ready [YouTube] |
Friday | David Goodall | Prayer For Israel [mp3] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | Pointing [mp3] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Turn Up the Voice of Victory! [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Today's message [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Only God Can Rescue Our Nation! [YouTube] |
Wednesday | David Goodall | The Name of God [mp3] |
Sunday | Col Spring | Something Else Again [mp3] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | Prayer [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Today's Message [mp3] |
Wednesday | Temba Mahari | Back to Basics [mp3] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Ephesians 5:8-21 (Full Service) [mp3] |
Friday | David Goodall | Prayer For Israel [mp3] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Wrestling with God [mp3] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Spirit, Soul & Body (Full Meeting) [mp3] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | Stirred Not Shaken [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Today's Message [mp3] |
Wednesday | David Goodall | God's Delight [mp3] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Today's Message [mp3] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | 1 John Ch 1 [mp3] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Friday | David Goodall | Praying for Israel - Prayer Notes [mp4] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Philippians 2 pt 2 [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Mark Rich | Living Above the Snake Line [mp3] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] Recorded live under social distancing |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Temba Mahari | Seeking God [mp3] Recorded live under social distancing |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | Freedom [mp3] Recorded live under social distancing |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Friday | David Goodall | Praying For Israel - Update and Prayer Notes [mp3] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Philippians Ch 2 [mp3] Recorded live under social distancing |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | David Goodall | Hidden [mp3] Recorded live under social distancing |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | The Mystery Revealed: Colossians 1:24-29 [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Temba Mahari | Psalm 51 [mp3] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Worship and today's Message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | Today's teaching Message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Friday | David Goodall | Praying for Israel - Update & Prayer Notes [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Today's teaching message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | The Destruction of Sennacherib [YouTube] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | David Goodall | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Friday | David Goodall | Praying for Israel - Update & Prayer Notes [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | David Goodall | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Worship and today's message [You Tube] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [You Tube] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | Worship and today's message Ps.97 [YouTube] |
Sunday | Anna Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | David Goodall | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Jon Steeds | Worship and today's message [You Tube] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | Sit-Walk-Stand #12 (Eph 6:10-24) [YouTube] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Col Spring | Sit-Walk-Stand #11 (Eph 5:22-6:9) [YouTube] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Wednesday | Tim Hall | Sit-Walk-Stand #10 (Ephesians 5:1-21) [YouTube] |
Sunday 22-Mar-20 | Dave Roles | Worship and today's message [YouTube] |
Sunday | Col Spring | Sit-Walk-Stand #9 (Ephesians 4:17-32) [mp3] |
Wednesday | Mark Rich | Sit-Walk-Stand #8 (Ephesians 4:1-16) [mp3] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Sit-Walk-Stand #7 (Ephesians 4:1-16) [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles | Salvation [mp3] |
Sunday | Temba Mahari | |
Sunday | John Steeds | |
Sunday | David Goodall | Sit-Walk-Stand #4 (Ephesians 2:11-22) [mp3] |
Wednesday | Dave Roles | Wheat & Tares [mp3] |
Sunday | Andy Mason | Grace [mp3] |
Sunday | Mark Rich | Sit-Walk-Stand #3 (Ephesians 2:1-10) [mp3] |
Sunday 19-Jan-20 | Tim Hall | Sit-Walk-Stand #2 (Ephesians 1:15-23) [mp3] |
Sunday | Col Spring | Sit-Walk-Stand #1 (Ephesians 1:1-14) [mp3] |
Sunday | Dave Roles |